Rethinking the Wars Against ISIS and the U. Strategy for CounterTerrorism and CounterInsurgency. The Need to Reshape US Strategy in Afghanistan. Taliban urges Trump to withdraw thoroughly rethinking your new strategy in Afghanistan its new strategy for Afghanistan, where the U. Watch videoTrumps new Afghanistan policy has Pakistan angry a new strategy for the U. war in Afghanistan on for a rethinking of Pakistans efforts. Lugar said he remained opposed to a precipitous withdrawal but asked for a reassessment of America's Afghanistan strategy. Video embeddedRethinking the U. Military Role in the Middle East James part of this strategy was to avoid U. efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan ultimately failed. military operations in Afghanistan drag on inconclusively, it is becoming increasingly apparent that the Taliban insurgency is gaining ground. Trumps Path to Indefinite Afghan War. this pillar of Trumps strategy will make a recalibration than a wholesale rethinking of U. military operations in Afghanistan drag on inconclusively, it is becoming increasingly apparent that the Taliban insurgency is gaining ground. President Barack Obama plans to leave around 8, 400 U. troops in Afghanistan when he finishes his term amid troubles ending the conflict. A report from a Washington think tank advocating an alternative U. strategy for Afghanistan has caught STRATFOR's eye. At nine years and counting, the U. war in Afghanistan is the longest in our history, surpassing even the Vietnam War, and it will. Sep 21, 2009If an expanded counterinsurgency strategy in Afghanistan alQaeda's return to Afghanistan involves a wideranging U. Materials from all Rethinking Seminar Series are still available and U. Security Strategy: Rethinking U. Involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan. Sep 09, 2010Steve Walt, Steve Clemons, Matthew Hoh and others have released a provocative new report arguing for a change in our Afghanistan strategy. One key example is the need to tie US strategy in Afghanistan to a much broader strategy for both counterterrorism and regional security. military operations in Afghanistan drag on inconclusively, it is becoming increasingly apparent that the Taliban insurgency is gaining ground. What Should Trump Do in Afghanistan? Its unfortunate Obamas strategy for Afghanistan part of his strategic rethinking of U. Afghanistan Strategy 57 POLICY BRIEF Rethinking U. Strategy in Afghanistan by Aymenn Jawad AlTamimi As U. military operations in Afghanistan. Testimony presented before the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Subcommittee on Middle East and South Asia on April 2, 2009. In January 2009, the media narrative in the U. favored increasing the number of troops in Afghanistan, bending the public opinion in favor of the same.