Asian Apex Ultima Asian Apex Exterior Emulsion Dulux Weathershield Max Dulux Weathershield Waterproof. Designed to withstand all weather, from extreme heat to heavy rain, Dulux Weathershield also helps resist mould, diret and stains. Read 50 customer reviews of the Dulux Weathershield compare with other Home Decorating at Review Centre And while Ultima Protek hogs the limelight in the paint industry Dulux Weathershield and Nerolac Excel also provide a tough Apex ultima and Jotun has. It provides textured exterior paints (Asian paints, Berger paints, Dulux paints) Asian Apex Ultima Dulux Weathershield Max Aug 01, 2011Ordinary exterior emulsions cannot protect exterior walls from patches of dampness, algae, and fungus caused by rain. Tips on waterproofing, finishing and using correct materials to Apex Ultima or, Weathershield Max by End Plastic Paints like Dulux Velvet Touch, or Asian. Which among Berger, Apex, Nerolac and Asian paints is best for Asisan Apex Ultima Protek system is India Which among Berger, Apex, Nerolac and Asian paints is. Exterior Paint Asian Paints Nerolac Berger Dulux offered by New Delhi Asian Paints Apex Ultima, Asian Paints Apex Tile Guard, Dulux Weathershield Max. Compare Asian Paints, Berger, Dulux, Nerolac and more. Know about washable plastic paints, Weathershield Max. Availability: 1, 4, 10, 20 Litre. You can choose from ACE, Apex, Apex Ultima, Apex Duracast and more, Exterior Wall Paints Include Dulux Weathershield Max, Dulux Weathershield Tex. Dulux WeatherShield MAX is a techonologically advanced exterior emulsion which protects exterior walls from patches of dampness in addition to algae and fungus. Colour Inspirations from Dulux Weathershield. Dulux WeatherShield MAX is a techonologically advanced exterior Dulux WeatherSheild MAX with its unique water resistant Asian Paints Apex Ultima Asian Paints Nerolac Paints Berger Paints Dulux Paints Shalimar Paints Sherwin Williams Paints. I am buying ICI dulux paints because representative told that this is excellent quality got painted by ICI Dulux weather shield Max at a cost of Rs 23. Exporter of Dulux Velvet Touch, Dulux Weathershield Max, Asian Paints Ultima, Berger Paints and Nerolac Paints offered by Om Paints Hardware, Noida, Uttar Pradesh Product Description. Dulux Weathershield Protect is a high performance premium exterior paint that protects your home from the damaging effects of all forms of. Dulux WeatherSheild MAX with its unique water resistant technology Asian Paints Apex Asian Paints Apex Ultima Dulux Weathershield Max 1 Ltr Old. May 11, 2010Video embeddedBeat the heat this summer with a revolutionary technology called SunReflect brought to you by Dulux WeatherShield. Watch this ad created by BBDO India.