Examples of a solid are a A gas can shrink or grow to fill whatever container it is in. Examples of gas are solution a special kind of mixture with two. Gas: Air, smoke Liquid: Fruit juice from concentrate, muddy water Solid: salad, nut mix, paper. Comes the first question: what is a mixture? Gas bubbles in a solid, is that a mixture? One I can think of with no bubbles, are common coal, you might burn Can you give me 5 examples of homogeneous mixtures and substance and 5 heterogeneous mixtures? (the CO2 gas is mixed with the liquid) Materials exist as solids, liquids and gases, and as a mixture of these states. They may be natural or man made and they have different textures and properties. How can the answer be improved. Sep 07, 2008Best Answer: There can be several types of solid and gas mixtures. You question does not point to the specific type. However I will give you some answers. Video This tutorial introduces examples of mixtures. Other sections include elements, the periodic table, reactions, and biochemistry. This is a mixture formed from two or more gases. Components of Air Apple juice and tea are examples of coloured, transparent solutions. And did you know that air, a mixture of gases is a solution? Gas and solid solutions Can you improve the answer. Sand is an example of a mixture with different solid particles. Concrete is another example of solid mixture. A mixture is a combination of two different substances that do not chemically combine. Also, mixtures are substances with components that can be separated from the mixture. Air Liquide gas mixtures and technologies are designed to provide basic insight into some of the science behind specialty gases to help you select products Get examples of types of solids, liquids, and gasses and learn about the transitions or phase changes between them. Sep 07, 2008Best Answer: There can be several types of solid and gas mixtures. You question does not point to the specific type. However I will give you some answers. Solvents can be gases, liquids or solids. An example of a gaseous solution is air Counter examples are provided by liquid mixtures that are not homogeneous. Examples of Colloids discuss different types of colloidal dispersions and their examples Examples of mixture of solid and gas. Colloids are important chemicals which. air is one example of a solidgas mixture. since there is dust in the air and gases such as Oxygen and Nitrogen. This is the type of mixture which involves two or more solids. When the solids are metals, they are known as alloys. Examples of solidsolid mixture. This list of 10 examples of mixtures provides an explanation of gas, or solid, Mixtures in two or more phases are heterogeneous mixtures. Examples of solids in gas solutions include hydrogen in platinum and sulfur vapor in air. In chemistry and physics, there are three states of matter, which are solid. Sand is an example of a mixture with different solid particles. Concrete is another example of solid mixture. A mixture is a combination of two different substances that do not chemically combine. Also, mixtures are substances with components that can be separated from the mixture. One example of a mixture is air. Gas: Gas: Gas mixture: air Solid: Gas: Solution: hydrogen in metals: Solid foam: aerogel,