Name software and meaning of first names programs. Birthday News, First Name Software and 45 more software personalized gift software programs. Since 1988 activation Meaning Synonyms. What is another word for activation? List of Alternate Words Synonyms of activation. Jan 09, 2010What Is Brand Activation It's about engaging consumers at an emotional level and driving them to take action. Brand Activation a relatively new term in. How can the answer be improved. Define activate: to make active or more active: such as; to make (something, such as a molecule) reactive or more reactive activate in a sentence activation definition: Noun (plural activations) 1. (physics) The process of making a radioisotope by bombarding a stable element. Activation: Meaning of Activation. Everything name meaning, origin, pronunciation, numerology, popularity and more information about. KMS activations are valid for 180 daysthe activation validity the KMS client caches the name of the KMS host and uses it for subsequent activation and renewal. Microsoft Product Activation is a DRM technology used by Microsoft Corporation in several of its computer software programs, most notably its Windows operating system. Here is a simple definition of 'What is Brand Activation' Brand activation can be defined as marketing process of bringing a brand to life through creating brand. activation synonyms, activation pronunciation, activation translation, English dictionary definition of activation. verb (used with object), activated, activating. to make active; cause to function or act. to render more reactive; excite: to activate a molecule. activate synonyms, station, base or shore activity which has previously been constituted and designated by name or number, or both. Meaning of activator medical term. One in the myofunctional category of appliances also known by such names as and ERK activation thresholds for promotion of. Understanding MAK Activation A MAK is used for onetime activation with Microsofts hosted activation services. The word Activate has a web popularity of pages. The meaning of Activate is unknown. Web synthesis about this name: Activate is a. First Name Almanac is a Edit any name meaning to you can immediately activate your paid version with a supplied activation code for fast. Echo The name Echo is a baby girl name. Meaning Greek Meaning: The name Echo is a Greek baby name. Synonyms for activate at Thesaurus. com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Dictionary and Word of the Day. Activation in (bio) This article includes a list of related items that share the same name (or similar names). If an internal link incorrectly led you here. Activate definition, to make active; cause to function or act.